In this article, we discuss the existence and uniqueness of mild, variational, and the so-called non-variational solutions to an initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) for linear wave equation with strong interior degeneracy of the coefficient in the principal part of the elliptic operator. The objective is to provide a well-posedness analysis of the IBVP and find out how the density property of smooth functions in the corresponding weighted Sobolev space affects the uniqueness of its solutions. We show that, in general, the uniqueness of solutions may be violated if the 'degree of degeneracy' corresponds to the strong degeneracy case.
In this paper, we analyse the numerical aspects of the practical implementation of the generalized active contour model, that has been recently proposed in the literature, for extracting agricultural crop fields with a high level of inhomo- geneity from satellite data. We also derive the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation and discuss its relaxation method.
Mostly motivated by the crop field classification problem and the automated computational methodology for extracting agricultural crop fields from satellite data, we propose a new approach to the piecewise smooth approximation of the slope-based vegetation indices and the closely related with it, crop field segmentation problem of multi-band satellite images.
We study an optimal control problem for a nonlinear elliptic anisotropic $p$-Laplace equation with control constraints and Neumann boundary conditions. The matrix-valued coefficients $A_{sym}\in L^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{S}_{sym}^N)$ we take as controls and in the linear part of differential operator we consider coefficients to be unbounded skew-symmetric matrix $A_{skew}\in L^q(\Omega;\mathbb{S}^N_{skew})$. We show that, in spite of unboundedness of the differential operator, the considered Neumann problem admits at least one weak solution and the correspon\-ding OCP is well-possed and solvable.
We propose a new variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its applications to the simultaneous contrast enhancement and denoising of color images. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is that we deal with a constrained non-convex minimization problem that lives in variable Sobolev-Orlicz spaces where the variable exponent is unknown a priori and it depends on a particular function that belongs to the domain of objective functional. In contrast to the standard approach, we do not apply any spatial regularization to the image gradient. We discuss the consistency of the variational model, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and propose an iterative algorithm for practical implementations.
We discuss the existence of solutions to an optimal control problem for the Cauchy-Neumann boundary value problem for the evolutionary Perona-Malik equations. The control variable v is taken as a distributed control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution ud ∈ L2 (Ω) and the current system state. We deal with such case of non-linearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the original boundary value problem for each admissible control. Instead of this we make use of a variant of its approximation using the model with fictitious control in coefficients of the principle elliptic operator. We introduce a special family of regularized optimization problems for linear parabolic equations and show that each of these problems is consistent, well-posed, and their solutions allow to attain (in the limit) an optimal solution of the original problem as the parameter of regularization tends to zero.
We propose a new variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its applications to the simultaneous fusion and denoising of color images with different spacial resolution. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is that we deal with a constrained minimization problem that lives in variable Sobolev-Orlicz spaces where the variable exponent, which is associated with non-standard growth, is unknown a priori and it depends on a particular function that belongs to the domain of objective functional. In view of this, we discuss the consistency of the proposed model, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and propose an iterative algorithm for practical implementations.
Mostly motivated by the practical applications especially in the field of satellite remote sensing of agricultural territories, we develop a novel approach to the domain decomposition basing on the anisotropic version of the Chan-Vese active contour model. With that in mind we propose a new statement of this problem in variable Sobolev spaces, provide a rigorous mathematical analysis of the proposed optimization problem, establish sufficient conditions of its consistency and solvability, show that the objective functional is Gateaux differentiable, and derive the corresponding optimality conditions. To illustrate the validity of the obtained results, we give some examples of numerical simulations with the real satellite images.
Many physical, biological, chemical, financial, and social phenomena can be described by dynamical systems and frequently the dynamics are coupled in a networked structure. The nature of these connections can be quite different, ranging from situations where connec tions express interactions between certain agents in multi-agent systems to situations where connections are gas pipes in gas transport networks. Very often the differential equations arising in applications have a rather complex structure so that analytical solution formulas are not available; in this case, numerical simulations are a natural tool to gain insights into the solution behavior. Working Group 5: Numerical Methods and Applications of COST Action 18232 brought together experts from different fields of mathematics in order to devise and analyse novel numerical schemes for networked dynamics. This took place in close cooperation with the more analysis-driven investigations in other working groups. Due to the different natures of the studied applications the resultant models displayed a variety of mathematical structures. Thus, different problem-adapted numerical schemes needed to be developed and different techniques needed to be used for their analysis. With an eye towards providing suitable tools for different applications the working group members applied methods from such diverse fields of mathematics as numerical analysis, control theory, semi-group theory, and homogenization. The following white paper showcases progress made by the members of the working group in the last years and relates it to the state of the art in the corresponding areas.
We study the bilinear forms on the space of measurable p-integrable functions which are generated by skew-symmetric matrices with unbounded coefficients. We give an example showing that if a skew- symmetric matrix contains a locally unbounded Lq -elements, then the corresponding quadratic forms can be alternating. These questions are closely related with the existence issues of the Nuemann boundary value problem for p-Laplace elliptic equations with non-symmetric and locally unbounded anisotropic diffusion matrices.
We develop a novel approach to the domain decomposition basi- ng on the novel anisotropic version of the Chan-Vese active contour model for a special domain decomposition problem which is moti- vated by huge number of different applications especially the satellite image segmentation under the remote sensing of the Earth surface. In particular, in agriculture, one of fundamental problems is to provi- de a disjunctive decomposition of a fixed field Ω ⊂ R2 into finite number of nonempty subsets Ω = Ω1 ∪ Ω2 ∪ · · · ∪ ΩK such that each of these subsets could be associated with a distinctive value of some agricultural index (NDVI, PVI, LAI, or other ones). The information obtained in this way is an important source of knowledge that can be used for environmental resources management. In particular, it allows to find out how well the crops are doing and whether there are problematic zones inside of given fields or zones where the crops are in need of water or nutrients etc. However, the most restrictive obstacle in the construction of such decomposition is the fact that these subdomains should not overlap the borders between fields or contain any fragments of such borders. meaning that they cannot take in even small parts of different fields with arguably different crops. This makes the above mentioned segmentation problem rather challenging.
We study a Dirichlet optimal control problem for a quasilinear monotone elliptic equation with the so-called weighted $p(x)$-Laplace operator. The coefficient of the $p(x)$-Laplacian, the weight $u$, we take as a control in $BV(\Omega)\cap L^\infty(\Omega)$. In this article, we use box-type constraints for the admissible controls. In order to handle the inherent degeneracy of the $p(x)$-Laplacian, we use a special two-parametric regularization scheme. We derive existence and uniqueness of variational $V$-solutions to the underlying boundary value problem and the corresponding optimal control problem. Further we discuss the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions to regularized problems on each $(\e,k)$-level as the parameters tend to zero and infinity, respectively. The characteristic feature of the considered OCP is the fact that the exponent $p(x)$ is assumed to be Lebesgue-measurable, and we do not impose any additional assumptions on $p(x)$ like to be a Lipschitz function or satisfy the so-called log-H\"lder continuity condition.
In this paper the problem of inpainting of damaged optical images is studied in the case when we have no information about brightness of such images in the damage region. We propose a new variational approach for exact restoration of brightness for optical images using results of their co-registration with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)\footnote[1]{EOS — Spatial Data Analytics, GIS Software, Satellite Imagery — is a cloud-based platform to derive remote sensing data and analyze satellite imagery for business and science purposes.} images of the same regions. We discuss the consistency of the proposed problem, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and describe in detail the algorithm for the practical implementation of the reconstruction procedure.
Three approaches to solve a well-known IBVP posed for vibrating composite string with piece-wise constant properties have been applied. The main issue of the stufy is the number of the matching conditions to be imposed for the solution to the IBVP to be obtained.
We discuss the optimal control formulation for enhancement and denoising of satellite multiband images and propose to take it in the form of an $L^1$-control problem for quasi-linear parabolic equation with non-local $p[u]$-Laplacian and with a cost functional of a tracking type. The main characteristic features of the considered parabolic problem is that the variable exponent $p(t,x)$ and the diffusion anisotropic tensor $D(t,x)$ are not well predefined a priori, but instead these characteristics non-locally depend on the form of the solution of this problem, i.e., $p_u=p(t,x,u)$ and $D_u=D(t,x,u)$. We prove the existence of optimal pairs with sparse $L^1$-controls using for that the indirect approach and a special family of approximation problems.
In this work, we study a sparse optimal control problem involving a quasi- linear parabolic equation with variable order of nonlinearity as state equation and with a pointwise control constraints. We show that in the case of the cost functional with the terminal term of the tracking type, the proposed optimal control problem is ill-posed, in general. In view of this, we provide a sufficiently mild relaxation of the proposed problem and establish the existence of optimal solutions for the relaxed version. Using the perturbation technique and the concept of variational convergence of minimization problems, we study the attainability of optimal pairs to the relaxed problem by optimal solutions of the special approximating problems. We also discuss the optimality conditions for approximating problems and provide their substantiation.
We propose a new variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its applications to image processing. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is that the variable exponent, which is associated with non-standard growth, is unknown a priori and it depends on a particular function that belongs to the domain of objective functional. So, we deal with a constrained minimization problem that lives in variable Sobolev-Orlicz spaces. It makes this minimization problem rather challenging. In view of this, we discuss the consistency of the proposed model, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and propose the iterative algorithm for practical implementations. In particular, we apply this approach to the image denosing problem and compare the result of restoration with the Total Variation (TV) method.
We study a coupled two-level variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its consistence and solvability issues. At the first level, we deal with the so-called temporal interpolation problem that can be cast as a state constrained optimal control problem for anisotropic convection-diffusion equation with two types of control functions — distributed $L^2$-control and $BV$-bounded control in coefficients. At the second level we have a constrained minimization problem with the nonstandard growth energy functional that lives in a variable Sobolev-Orlicz space. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is the fact that the variable exponent, which is associated with non-standard growth in the objective functional, is unknown a priori and it depends on the solution of the first-level optimal control problem.
We propose a new two-level variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its applications to the spatiotemporal interpolation of multi-spectral satellite images. At the first level, we deal with the temporal interpolation problem that can be cast as a state constrained optimal control problem for anisotropic convection-diffusion equation, whereas at the second level we solve a constrained minimization problem with the nonstandard growth energy functional that lives in variable Sobolev-Orlicz spaces. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is the fact that the variable exponent, which is associated with non-standard growth in spatial interpolation problem, is unknown a priori and it depends on the solution of the first-level optimal control problem. It makes this spatiotemporal interpolation problem rather challenging. In view of this, we discuss the consistency of the proposed model, discuss the existence of optimal solutions, derive the corresponding optimality systems, and propose the scheme for their practical implementations. In particular, we apply this approach to the well-known prediction problem of the Daily MODIS Surface Reflectance at the Landsat-Like Resolution.
In this paper we discuss a new variational approach to the Date Fusion problem of multi-spectral satellite images from Sentinel-2 and MODIS that have been captured at different resolution level and, arguably, on different days. The crucial point of our approach that the MODIS image is cloud-free whereas the images from Sentinel-2 can be corrupted by clouds or noise.
We discuss a new variational approach to the Date Fusion problem of multi-spectral satellite images from Sentinel-2 and MODIS that have been captured at different resolution level and, arguably, on different days. The crucial assumption to our approach is that the MODIS image has to be cloud-free whereas the images from Sentinel-2 can be corrupted by clouds or noise. We formulate the data fusion problem as the two-level optimization problem. We discuss the well thoroughness and consistency of the proposed variational model. We also derive some optimality conditions and supply our approach by results of numerical simulations with the real satellite images.
Some discrete models for a simplified (compared to that published earlier in JODEA, 28 (1) (2020), 1 – 42) initial boundary value problem for a 1D linear degenerate wave equation, posed in a space-time rectangle and solved earlier exactly (JODEA, 30 (1) (2022), 89 – 121), have been considered. It has been demonstrated that the correct evaluation of the degenerate grid flux can be possible.
In this article, we discuss the optimal control formulation for enhancement and denoising of satellite multiband images and propose to take it in the form of an $L^1$-control problem for quasi-linear parabolic equation with non-local $p[u]$-Laplacian and with a cost functional of a tracking type. The characteristic feature of the considered class of Cauchy-Neumann parabolic problems is the fact that the variable exponent $p(t,x)$ and the anisotropic diffusion tensor $D(t,x)$ are not well predefined a priori, but instead these characteristic non-locally depend on a solution of this problem, i.e., $p=p(t,x,u)$ and $D=D(t,x,u)$. We prove the existence of optimal pairs with sparse controls using for that the indirect approach and a special family of approximation problems.
We propose a new variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its applications to image processing. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is that the variable exponent, which is associated with non-standard growth, is unknown a priori and it depends on a particular function that belongs to the domain of objective functional. So, we deal with a constrained minimization problem that lives in variable Sobolev-Orlicz spaces. Because of this the standard approaches are no longer applicable in its study, especially with respect to the existence of minimizers and the study of their basic properties. It makes this minimization problem rather challenging. In view of this, we discuss the consistency of the proposed model, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and propose the iterative algorithm for practical implementations. In particular, we apply this approach to the image denosing problem and show that in all prototypical examples we obtain better results when compared to the Total Variation (TV) method.
We deal with an optimal control problem for or one class of non-linear elliptic equations with an exponential type ofnon-linearity. The boundary control is a density of surface traction acting on a part of boundary of an open domain. The aim is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution and the current system state. A special family of regularized optimization problems is introduced using a variant of the classical Tikhonov regularization and it is proven that each of these problem is consistent, well-posed, and their solutions allow to attain (in the limit) an optimal solution of the original problem as the parameter of regularization tends to zero. As a consequence, we prove the existence of optimal solutions to the original problem and propose a way for their approximation.
In this paper we study exact boundary controllability for a linear wave equation with strong and weak interior degeneration of the coefficient in the principle part of the elliptic operator. The objective is to provide a well-posedness analysis of the corresponding system and derive conditions for its controllability through boundary actions. Passing to a relaxed version of the original problem, we discuss existence and uniqueness of solutions, and using the HUM method we derive conditions on the rate of degeneracy for both exact boundary controllability and the lack thereof.
In this article, we discuss well-posedness and boundary observability of the linear wave equation on a star-shaped planar network with degeneration in the leading coefficient related to the stiffness. In particular, we discuss the existence of weak and strong solutions and derive an observability inequality with the observability time depending on the degree of degeneration. In analogy with \cite{Cannarsa}, where one-sided damage of a single wave equation has been considered, we obtain observability for a class of weak damage and the lack of observability for strong damage. We use a representation of the metric graph by singular measures and work in corresponding weighted Sobolev spaces with respect to such measures.
In this paper the problem of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical satel- lite images co-registration is considered. Because of the distinct natures of SAR and optical images, there exist huge radiometric and geometric differences be- tween such images. As a result, the traditional registration approaches are no longer applicable in this case and it makes the registration process challenging. Mostly motivated by the crop field monitoring problem, we propose a new vari- ational approach to the co-registration of SAR and optical images. We discuss the consistency of the proposed statement of this problem, propose the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and describe in detail the algorithm for the practical implementation of co-registration pro- cedure. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, we illustrate its crucial steps by numerous applications.
We discuss the existence of solutions to an optimal control problem for the Cauchy-Neumann boundary value problem for the evolutionary Perona-Malik equations. The control variable $v$ is taken as a distributed control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $u_d\in L^2(\Omega)$ and the current system state. We deal with such case of non-linearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the original boundary value problem for each admissible control. Instead of this we make use of a variant of its approximation using the model with fictitious control in coefficients of the principle elliptic operator. We introduce a special family of regularized optimization problems for linear parabolic equations and show that each of these problems is consistent, well-posed, and their solutions allow to attain (in the limit) an optimal solution of the original problem as the parameter of regularization tends to zero.
We discuss the existence of solutions to an optimal control problem for the Cauchy-Neumann boundary value problem for the evolutionary Perona-Malik equations. The control variable $v$ is taken as a distributed control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $u_d\in L^2(\Omega)$ and the current system state. We deal with such case of non-linearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the original boundary value problem for each admissible control. Instead of this we make use of a variant of its approximation using the model with fictitious control in coefficients of the principle elliptic operator. We introduce a special family of regularized optimization problems for linear parabolic equations and show that each of these problems is consistent, well-posed, and their solutions allow to attain (in the limit) an optimal solution of the original problem as the parameter of regularization tends to zero.
We propose a new two-level variational model in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces with non-standard growth conditions of the objective functional and discuss its applications to the spatiotemporal interpolation of multi-spectral satellite images. At the first level, we deal with the temporal interpolation problem that can be cast as a state constrained optimal control problem for anisotropic convection-diffusion equation, whereas at the second level we solve a constrained minimization problem with a nonstandard growth energy functional that lives in variable Sobolev-Orlicz spaces. The characteristic feature of the proposed model is the fact that the variable exponent, which is associated with non-standard growth in spatial interpolation problem, is unknown a priori and it depends on the solution of the first-level optimal control problem. It makes this spatiotemporal interpolation problem rather challenging. In view of this, we discuss the consistency of the proposed model, study the existence of optimal solutions, and derive the corresponding optimality systems. In particular, we apply this approach to the well-known prediction problem of the Daily MODIS Surface Reflectance at the Landsat-Like Resolution.
This paper is devoted to the solvability of an initial-boundary value problem for second-order parabolic equations in divergence form with variable order of nonlinearity. The characteristic feature of the considered class of Cauchy-Neumann parabolic problem is the fact that the variable exponent $p(t,x)$ and the anisotropic diffusion tensor $D(t,x)$ are not well predefined a priori, but instead these characteristic depend on a solution of this problem, i.e., $p=p(t,x,u)$ and $D=D(t,x,u)$. Recently, it has been shown that the similar models appear in a natural way as the optimality conditions for some variational problems related to the image restoration technique. However, from practical point of view, in this case some principle difficulties can appear because of the absence of the corresponding rigorous mathematically substantiation. Thus, in this paper, we study the solvability issues of the Cauchy-Neumann parabolic boundary value problem for which the corresponding principle operator is strongly non-linear, non-monotone, has a variable order of nonlinearity, and satisfies a nonstandard coercivity and boundedness conditions that do not fall within the scope of the classical method of monotone operators. To construct a weak solution, we apply the technique of passing to the limit in a special approximation scheme and the Schauder fixed-point theorem.
The separation of variables based solution to a simplified (compared to that published earlier in JODEA, \textbf{28} (1) (2020), 1\,–\,42) \ibvp{} for a 1D linear degenerate wave equation, posed in a space-time rectangle, has been presented in a fully complete form. Degeneracy of the equation is due to vanishing its coefficient in an interior point of the spatial segment being the side of the rectangle. For the sake of convenience, the solution is interpreted as a vibrating `string'. The solution obtained in the case of weak degeneracy is smooth and bounded, whereas that in the case of strong degeneracy is piece-wise smooth and unbounded in a neighborhood of the point of degeneracy, nevertheless being satisfied some regularity conditions, including square-integrability. In both cases the travelling waves pass through the point of degeneracy, and this phenomenon is referred to as an ability of the `string' to hear itself. The total energy of the `string' is shown to conserve in both cases of degeneracy, provided the ends of the `string' are fixed, though the above vibrating `string' analogy fails in the case of strong degeneracy. The total energy conservation implies the uniqueness of the solution to the problem in both cases of degeneracy.
The main purpose is the study of optimal control problem in a domain with rough boundary for the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary value problem for the strongly non-linear elliptic equation with exponential nonlinearity. A density of surface traction $u$ acting on a part of rough boundary is taken as a control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution and the current system state. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the state equation for a given control. After having defined a suitable functional class in which we look for solutions, we prove the consistency of the original optimal control problem and show that it admits a unique optimal solution. Then we derive a first order optimality system assuming the optimal solution is slightly more regular.
Mostly motivated by the crop field classification problem and the automated computational methodology for the extraction of agricultural crop fields from the satellite data, we propose a new technique for the satellite image segmentation which is based on the concept of a piecewise constant approximation of the slope-based vegetation indices. We discuss in details the consistency of the new statement of segmentation problem and its solvability. We focus our main intension on the rigor mathematical substantiation of the proposed approach, deriving the corresponding optimality conditions, and show that the new optimization problem is rather flexible and powerful model to the study of variational image segmentation problems. We illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm by numerical experiences with images that have been delivered by satellite Sentinel-2.
We consider the problem of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical satellite images co-registration in its special statement. Because of the distinct natures of SAR and optical images, there exist huge radiometric and geometric differences between such images. Their structure, intensity of pixels, and texture are drastically different. As a result, the traditional registration approaches are no longer applicable in this case and it makes the registration process challenging. Mostly motivated by the crop field monitoring problem, we propose a new statement for the co-registration of SAR and optical images. We discuss the consistency of the proposed statement of this problem, propose the scheme for its regularization, and derive the corresponding optimality system.
A 1-parameter initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for a linear homogeneous degenerate wave equation (JODEA, 28(1), 1\,–\,42) in a space-time rectangle is considered. The origin of degeneracy is the power law coefficient function with respect to the spatial distance to the symmetry line of the rectangle, the exponent being the only parameter of the problem, ranging in (0,1) and (1,2) and producing the weak and strong degeneracy respectively. In the case of weak degeneracy separation of variables is used in the rectangle to obtain the unique bounded continuous solution to the IBVP, having the continuous flux. In the case of strong degeneracy the IBVP splits into the two derived IBVPs posed respectively in left and right half-rectangles and solved separately using separation of variables. Continuous matching of the obtained left and right families of bounded solutions to the IBVPs results in a linear integro-differential equation of convolution type. The Laplace transformation is used to solve the equation and obtain a family of bounded solutions to the IBVP, having the continuous flux and depending on one undetermined function.
In this paper we propose a new statement of the spatial increasing resolution problem of MODIS-like multi-spectral images via their fusion with Lansat-like imagery at higher resolution. We give a precise definition of the solution to the indicated problem, postulate assumptions that we impose at the initial data, establish existence and uniqueness result, and derive the corresponding necessary optimality conditions. For illustration, we supply the proposed approach by results of numerical simulations with real-life satellite images.
In this paper we discuss the problem of boundary exact null controllability for weakly and strongly degenerate linear wave equation defined on star-shaped planar network. The network is represented by a singular measure in a bounded planar domain. The novelty of this article lies in the degeneration of the leading coefficient representative of the material properties at the common node of network. We discuss the existence of weak and strong solutions to the degenerate hyperbolic problem and establish the corresponding controllability properties.
Sensitivity to weather conditions, and specially to clouds, is a severe limiting factor to the use of optical remote sensing for Earth monitoring applications. Typically, the optical satellite images are often corrupted because of poor weather conditions. As a rule, the measure of degradation of optical images is such that one can not rely even on the brightness inside of the damaged regions. As a result, some subdomains of such images become absolutely invisible. So, there is a great deal of missing information in optical remote sensing data. In this work, we propose a new variational approach for exact restoration of multi- spectral satellite optical images. We discuss the consistency of the proposed variational model, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and discuss the algorithm for the practical implementation of the reconstruction procedure. Experimental results are very promising and they show a significant gain over baseline methods using the reconstruction through linear interpolation between data available at temporally-close time instants.
Sensitivity to weather conditions, and specially to clouds, is a severe limiting factor to the use of optical remote sensing for Earth monitoring applications. Typically, the optical satellite images are often corrupted because of poor weather conditions. As a rule, the measure of degradation of optical images is such that one can not rely even on the brightness inside of the damaged regions. As a result, some subdomains of such images become absolutely invisible. So, there is a great deal of missing information in optical remote sensing data. In this work, we propose a new variational approach for exact restoration of multispectral satellite optical images. We discuss the consistency of the proposed variational model, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and discuss the algorithm for the practical implementation of the reconstruction procedure. Experimental results are very promising and they show a significant gain over baseline methods using the reconstruction through linear interpolation between data available at temporally-close time instants.
The paper studies a problem of an optimal control in coefficients for the system of two coupled elliptic equations also known as thermistor problem which provides a simultaneous description of the electric field $u=u(x)$ and temperature $\theta(x)$. The coefficients of operator $\mathrm{div}\,\left(A(x)\, \nabla \, \theta(x)\right)$ are used as the controls in $L^\infty(\Omega)$. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $\theta_d\in L^r(\Omega)$ and the temperature of thermistor $\theta\in W^{1,\gamma}_0(\Omega)$ by choosing an appropriate anisotropic heat conductivity matrix $B$. Basing on the perturbation theory of extremal problems and the concept of fictitious controls, we propose an \textquotedblleft approximation approach\textquotedblright\ and discuss the existence of the so-called quasi-optimal and optimal solutions to the given problem.
We study an optimal control problem for a quasi-linear elliptic equation with anisotropic p-Laplace operator in its principle part and $L^1$-controls in coefficient of the low-order term. As characteristic feature of such optimal control problem is a specification of the matrix of anisotropy in BMO-space. Since we cannot expect to have a solution of the state equation in the classical Sobolev space, we specify a suitable functional class in which we look for solutions and prove existence of optimal pairs using the approximation procedure and compactness arguments in variable spaces.
We study an optimal control problem for the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary value problem for the strongly non-linear elliptic equation with exponential nonlinearity in a domain with rugous boundary. A density of surface traction $u$ acting on a part of rugous boundary is taken as a control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution and the current system state. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the state equation for a given control. After having defined a suitable class of the weak solutions, we provide asymptotic analysis of the above mentioned optimal control problem posed in a family of perturbed domains and give the characterization of the limiting behavior of its optimal solutions.
In this paper we study the exact boundary controllability issues for a linear hyperbolic equation with strongly and weakly degenerate coefficients in the principle part of the elliptic operator. The objective is to provide the well-posedness analysis of the corresponding controlled system and derive conditions of its conrollability through boundary actions. Passing to a relaxed version of the original problem, we discuss existence and uniqueness of its solutions, and using the HUM method we derive conditions on the rate of degeneracy when the exact boundary controllability of the corresponding degenerate control problem takes place.
We discuss the existence of solutions to an optimal control problem for one class of non-linear elliptic equations with an exponential type of nonlinearity. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the Dirichlet boundary value problem in the standard functional space for all admissible controls. Instead of this we make use of a variant of the classical Tikhonov regularization in optimal control under PDEs which allows for a certain flexibility in dealing with non-linearities in the state equation. In particular, we eliminate the differential constraints between control and state and allow such pairs run freely in their respective sets of feasibility by introducing some additional variable which plays the role of "defect" that appears in the original state equation. We show that this special residual function can be determined in a unique way. In order to stay not too far from the initial optimal control problem, we introduce a special family of regularized optimization problems. We show that each of these problem is consistent, well-posed, and their solutions allow to attain (in the limit) an optimal solution of the original problem as the parameter of regularization tends to zero. As a consequence, we establish sufficient conditions of the existence of optimal solutions to the given class of nonlinear Dirichlet BVP and propose the way for their approximation.
We discuss the existence of solutions to an optimal control problem for the Dirichlet boundary value problem for strongly non-linear p-Laplace equations with $L_1$-type of nonlinearity. The control variable u is taken as a distributed control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $y_d\in L^p(\Omega)$ and the current system state. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the original boundary value problem for each admissible control. Instead of this we make use of a variant of the classical Tikhonov regularization. We eliminate the differential constraints between control and state and allow such pairs run freely in their respective sets of feasibility by introducing some additional variable which plays the role of \textquotedblleft defect\textquotedblright. We show that this special residual function can be determined in a unique way. We introduce a special family of regularized optimization problems and show that each of these problem is consistent, well-posed, and their solutions allow to attain (in the limit) an optimal solution of the original problem as the parameter of regularization tends to zero. As a consequence, we establish sufficient conditions of the existence of optimal solutions to the given class of nonlinear Dirichlet BVP and propose the way for their approximation.
In this paper the problem of reconstruction of damaged multi-band optical images is studied in the case where we have no information about brightness of such images in the damage region. Mostly motivated by the crop field monitoring problem, we propose a new variational approach for exact reconstruction of damaged multi-band images using results of their co-registration with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of the same regions. We discuss the consistency of the proposed problem, give the scheme for its regularization, derive the corresponding optimality system, and describe in detail the algorithm for the practical implementation of the reconstruction procedure.
A 1-parameter initial boundary value problem for the linear homogeneous degenerate wave equation in the space-time rectangle with vanished coefficient in an interior point is considered. The IBVP is splitted into three auxiliary IBVPs, involving two undetermined functions h_i(t,\alpha). The auxiliary IBVPs are solved using the method of separation of variables. The matching conditions to gain continuity of the solution to the IBVP and its flux are imposed on the solutions to the auxiliary IBVPs to derive a linear convolution integro-differential system with respect to the unknown functions h_i(t,\alpha), i=1,2.
We study an optimal control problem for one class of non-linear elliptic equations with $p$-Laplace operator and $L^1$-nonlinearity. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the state equation for any given control. After defining a suitable functional class in which we look for solutions, we reformulate the original problem and prove the existence of optimal pairs. In order to ensure the validity of such reformulation, we provide its substantiation using a special family of fictitious optimal control problems. The idea to involve the fictitious optimization problems was mainly inspired by the brilliant book of V.S. Mel'nik and V.I. Ivanenko "Variational Methods in Control Problems for the Systems with Distributed Parameters"\ , Kyiv, 1998.
We study an optimal control problem for one class of non-linear elliptic equations with $p$-Laplace operator and $L^1$-nonlinearity in their right-hand side. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the state equation for any given control. After defining a suitable functional class in which we look for solutions and a special cost functional, we prove the existence of optimal pairs. In order to handle the inherent degeneracy of the p-Laplacian and strong non-linearity in the right-hand side of elliptic equation, we use a two-parametric $(\e,k)$-regularization of $p$-Laplace operator, where we approximate it by a bounded monotone operator, and involve a special fictitious optimization problem. We derive existence of optimal solutions to the parametrized optimization problems at each $(\e,k)$-level of approximation. We also deduce the differentiability of the state for approximating problem with respect to the controls and obtain an optimality system based on the Lagrange principle. Further we discuss the asymptotic behaviour of the optimal solutions to regularized problems as the parameters $\e$ and $k$ tend to zero and infinity, respectively.
Analytical dependencies for determining the rigidity and parameters of a stress-strain state of a rubber layer located between the cables and the drum from their mutual shear are established in a closed form. A method of determining the dispersion of deviation of calculated displacements from established values of elastic shell material is developed. Obtained results allow considering the shape of an elastic layer of rubber, estimate the level of reliability of the results when calculating a stress-strain state of rubber-cable tractive elements from the shear of cables relatively to the drum. Established dependencies can be used for determining a stress-strain state of a layer of elastic material, caused by shear of cables relatively to the drum of a machine, and formulating the condition of strength of a rubber-cable tractive element loaded with shear forces on a drum. Possibility of determination of a lower boundary of the efficiency coefficient in a process of interaction of a rubber-cable rope (belt) with pulleys and drums, both driving and driven, lined with elastic materials and with hard operating surfaces, allows improving the accuracy of calculations of drives of lifting and transporting machines with such executing elements.
In this paper we deal with an optimal control problem in coefficients for the system of two coupled elliptic equations also known as thermistor problem which provides a simultaneous description of the electric field $u=u(x)$ and temperature $\theta(x)$. The coefficients of operator $\mathrm{div}\,\left(B(x)\, \nabla \, \theta(x)\right)$ are used as the controls in $L^\infty(\Omega)$. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $\theta_d\in L^r(\Omega)$ and the temperature of thermistor $\theta\in W^{1,\gamma}_0(\Omega)$ by choosing an appropriate anisotropic heat conductivity matrix $B$. Basing on the perturbation theory of extremal problems and the concept of fictitious controls, we propose an \textquotedblleft approximation approach\textquotedblright\ and discuss the existence of the so-called quasi-optimal and optimal solutions to the given problem.
Development of methodological support for a unique method of a pumping deep-water hydrolift (PDH) for transporting multiphase flows with a solid fraction and innovative pumping systems for its implementation in complex conditions of great depths.
In this paper we discuss some issues related to Poincar\'{e}'s inequality for a special class of weighted Sobolev spaces. A common feature of these spaces is that they can be naturally associated with differential operators with variable diffusion coefficients that are not uniformly elliptic. We give a classification of these spaces in the $1$-D case bases on a measure of degeneracy of the corresponding weight coefficient and study their key properties.
In this paper we propose a new technique for the solution of the image segmentation problem which is based on the concept of a piecewise smooth approximation of some target functional. We discuss in details the consistency of the new statement of segmentation problem and its solvability. We focus our main intension on the rigor mathematical substantiation of the proposed approach, deriving the corresponding optimality conditions, and show that the new optimization problem is rather flexible and powerful model to the study of variational image segmentation problems. We illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm by numerical experiences.
We consider a problem of an optimal control in coefficients for the system of two coupled elliptic equations also known as thermistor problem which provides a simultaneous description of the electric field $u=u(x)$ and temperature $\theta(x)$. The coefficients of operator $\mathrm{div}\,\left(A(x)\, \nabla \, \theta(x)\right)$ are used as the controls in $L^\infty(\Omega)$. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $\theta_d\in L^r(\Omega)$ and the temperature of thermistor $\theta\in W^{1,\gamma}_0(\Omega)$ by choosing an appropriate anisotropic heat conductivity matrix $B$. Basing on the perturbation theory of extremal problems and the concept of fictitious controls, we propose an \textquotedblleft approximation approach\textquotedblright\ and discuss the existence of the so-called quasi-optimal and optimal solutions to the given problem.
We consider an optimal control problem for quasi-linear elliptic equation containing the $p$-Laplacian with variable exponent $p=p(x)$. The exponent $p(x)$ are used as the controls in $L^1(\Omega)$. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $y_d\in L^\alpha(\Omega)$ and the current system state $y\in W^{1,p(\cdot)}_0(\Omega)$ by choosing an appropriate exponent $p(x)$. Basing on the perturbation theory of extremal problems, we study the existence of optimal pairs and propose the ways for relaxation of the original optimization problem.
We study a Dirichlet-Navier optimal design problem for a quasi-linear monotone $p$-biharmonic equation with control and state constraints. The coefficient of the $p$-biharmonic operator we take as a design variable in $BV(\Omega)\cap L^\infty(\Omega)$. In order to handle the inherent degeneracy of the p-Laplacian and the pointwise state constraints, we use regularization and relaxation approaches. We derive existence and uniqueness of solutions to the underlying boundary value problem and the optimal control problem. In fact, we introduce a two-parameter model for the weighted $p$-biharmonic operator and Henig approximation of the ordering cone. Further we discuss the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions to regularized problem on each $(\e,k)$-level as the parameters tend to zero and infinity, respectively.
We discuss a control constrained boundary optimal control problem for the Boussinesq-type system arising in the study of the dynamics of an arterial network. We suppose that a control object is described by an initial-boundary value problem for $1D$ system of pseudo-parabolic nonlinear equations with an unbounded coefficient in the principal part and Robin boundary conditions. The main question we discuss in this part of paper is about topological and algebraical properties of the set of feasible solutions. Following Faedo-Galerkin method, we establish the existence of weak solutions to the corresponding initial-boundary value problem and show that these solutions possess some special extra regularity properties which play a crucial role in the proof of solvability of the original optimal control problem.
We study an optimal control problem for mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary value problem for the strongly non-linear elliptic equation with $p$-Laplace operator and $L^1$-nonlinearity in its right-hand side. A distribution $u$ acting on a part of boundary of open domain is taken as a boundary control. The optimal control problem is to minimize the discrepancy between a given distribution $y_d\in L^2(\Omega)$ and the current system state. We deal with such case of nonlinearity when we cannot expect to have a solution of the state equation for any admissible control. After defining a suitable functional class in which we look for solutions and assuming that this problem admits at least one feasible solution, we prove the existence of optimal pairs. We derive also conditions when the set of feasible solutions has a nonempty intersection with the space of bounded distributions $L^\infty(\Omega)$.
We discuss the Holder continuity property for the inverse mapping that identies the diffusivity matrix A(x) in the main part of anisotropic p-Laplace equation as a function of resolvent operator. In particular, we prove that, within a chosen class of non-smooth admissible matrices the resolvent determines the anisotropic diffusivity in a unique manner and the corresponding inverse mapping is Holder continuous in suitable topologies.
We discuss the solvability and some extra regularity properties for the weak solutions to one class of the initial-boundary value problem arising in the study of the dynamics of an arterial system.
We study the asymptotic behaviour of an optimal boundary control problem for az linear elliptic equation in two-dimensional domain $\Omega_\e$ with mixed types of boundary conditions. We assume that the boundary of domain $\Omega_\e$ contains a highly oscillating part with respect to $\e$, and we suppose that the control influence is realized via the Neumann boundary condition posed on the highly oscillating part of boundary. We present some ideas and results concerning the asymptotic analysis of such problems as $\e\to 0$ and derive conditions under which the homogenized problem can be recovered in an explicit form. We show that the mathematical description of the homogenized optimal boundary control problem is different from the original one. These differences appear not only in the limit cost functional, geometry of a limit domain, and Neumann boundary conditions, but also in the control constraints.
We are concerned with the asymptotic analysis of an optimal control problem for $1$-D partial differential equation with $\e$-periodic coefficients both in the principle part of generalized $p$-Laplace elliptic operator and in the cost functional, as the period $\e$ tends to zero. We focus on the optimal control problem for quasi-linear elliptic equation with mixed (Neumann and Dirichlet) boundary conditions, $L^1$-bounded distributed control, and a Radon measure in the right hand side of the original equation. Using approaches of the homogenization theory and utilizing the Sobolev embedding theorems, we show that the original problem tends to the optimal control problem with clearly defined structure for a one-dimensional homogenized elliptic equation containing the standard $p$-Laplace operator, and its solution can be approximated by the optimal solution to the original problem in an appropriate topology as small parameter of periodicity $\e$ tends to zero.
We discuss the H\"lder continuity property for the inverse mapping that identifies the diffusivity coefficient $\sigma(x)$ in the main part of generalized $p$-Laplace equation as a function of resolvent operator. In particular, we prove that, within a chosen class of non-smooth admissible functions the resolvent determines the diffusivity in a unique manner and the corresponding inverse mapping is H\"lder continuous in the suitable topologies.
We consider an optimal control problem associated to Dirichlet boundary value problem for linear elliptic equations on a bounded domain $\Omega$. We take the matrix-valued coefficients $A=A^{sym}+A^{skew}$ of such system as a control in $L^1(\Omega;\mathbb{S}^N_{sym})\oplus L^{2p}(\Omega;\mathbb{S}^N_{skew})$. One of the important features of the class of admissible controls is the fact that the matrices $A(x)$ are unbounded on $\Omega$ and eigenvalues of the symmetric parts $A^{sym}$ may vanish in $\Omega$. In spite of the fact that the equations of this type can exhibit non-uniqueness of weak solutions, the corresponding OCP is well-possed and admits at least one solution. At the same time, optimal solutions to such problem can inherit a singular character of the matrices $A^{skew}$. We indicate two types of optimal solutions to the above problem and show that one of them can not be attained by optimal solutions of regularized problems for coercive elliptic equations with bounded coefficients, using the Steklov smoothing of matrix-valued controls $A$.
We study a Dirichlet optimal control problem for a quasilinear monotone elliptic equation, the so-called weighted p-Laplace problem. The coefficient of the $p$-Laplacian, the weight $u$, we take as a control in $BV(\Omega)\cap L^\infty(\Omega)$. In this article, we use box-type constraints for the control, such that there is strictly positive lower and some upper bound. In order to handle the inherent degeneracy of the p-Laplacian, we use a regularization, sometimes referred to as the $\e$-p-Laplacian. We derive existence and uniqueness of solutions to the underlying boundary value problem and the optimal control problem. In fact, we introduce a two-parameter model for the weighted $\e$-p-Laplacian, where we approximate the non-linearity by a bounded monotone function, parametrized by $k$. Further we discuss the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions to regularized problem on each $(\e,k)$-level as the parameters tend to zero and infinity, respectively.
In this paper we study we study a Dirichlet optimal control prob- lem associated with a linear elliptic equation the coefficients of which we take as controls in the class of integrable functions. The characteristic feature of this control object is the fact that the skew-symmetric part of matrix-valued control A(x) belongs to L2-space (rather than Linfinty). In spite of the fact that the equations of this type can exhibit non-uniqueness of weak solutions, the corresponding OCP, under rather general assumptions on the class of admissi- ble controls, is well-posed and admits a nonempty set of solutions [9]. However, the optimal solutions to such problem may have a singular character. We show that some of optimal solutions can be attainable by solutions of special optimal control problems in perforated domains with fictitious boundary controls on the holes.
We discuss the optimal control problem stated as the minimization in the $L^2$-sense of the mismatch between the actual out-flux and a demand forecast for a hyperbolic conservation law that models a highly re-entrant production system. The output of the factory is described as a function of the work in progress and the position of the switch dispatch point (SDP) where we separate the beginning of the factory employing a push policy from the end of the factory, which uses a quasi-pull policy. The main question we discuss in this paper is about the optimal choice of the input in-flux, push and quasi-pull constituents, and the position of SDP.
We study an optimal control problem for a nonlinear elliptic equation of p-Laplace type with a coefficient in the leading order of differentiation taken as control in $L^1(\Omega)$. We allow such controls to vanish on zero Lebesgue sets. As a result, we deal with degenerate elliptic Dirichlet problems that can exhibit the Lavrentiev phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions. Moreover, the non-differentiability of the term $|\nabla y|^{p-2}\nabla y$ at 0 implying the non-differentiability of the state $y(u)$ with respect to the control necessitates refined concepts in order to derive optimality conditions.
We discuss the existence of weak solutions to one class of Dirichlet boundary value problems (BVP) for non-linear elliptic equation. Because of the specific of nonlinearity, we cannot a priori expect to have a solution in the standard functional space. Instead of this we show that the original BVP admits the so-called approximate weak solution. To do so, we introduce a special family of perturbed optimal control problems (OCPs) where the class of fictitious controls are closely related with the properties of distribution in right-hand side of the elliptic equation, and we show that optimal solutions of such problems allow to attain (in the limit) some approximate solutions as the parameter of perturbation $\e>0$ tends to zero. The main questions we discuss in this paper touch on solvability of perturbed OCPs, uniqueness of their solutions, asymptotic properties of optimal pairs as the perturbation parameter $\e>0$ tends to zero, and deriving of optimality conditions for the perturbed OCPs. As a consequence, we obtain the sufficient conditions of the existence of weak solutions to the given class of nonlinear Dirichlet BVP and propose the way for their approximation.
An optimal control problem for Dirichlet boundary value problem with nonlinear elliptic equation containing $p(x)$-Laplacian is considered. It is shown that this problem has at least one solution. The corresponding theoretic framework regarding Sobolev-Orlicz spaces is given.
We study a Dirichlet optimal design problem for a quasi-linear monotone p-biharmonic equation with control and state constraints. We take the coefficient of the p-biharmonic operator as a design variable in BV(Ω). In this article, we discuss the relaxation of such problem.
We discuss the existence of weak solutions to one class of Neumann boundary value problems (BVP) for non-linear elliptic equation. We introduce a special family of perturbed optimal control problems (OCPs) where the class of fictitious controls are closely related with the properties of distribution in right-hand side of the elliptic equation, and we show that optimal solutions of such problems allow to attain (in the limit) some approximate solutions as the parameter of perturbation $\e>0$ tends to zero. The main questions we discuss in this paper touch on solvability of perturbed OCPs, uniqueness of their solutions, asymptotic properties of optimal pairs as the perturbation parameter $\e>0$ tends to zero, and deriving of optimality conditions for the perturbed OCPs. As a consequence, we obtain the sufficient conditions of the existence of weak solutions to the given class of nonlinear Neumann BVP and propose the way for their approximation.
We discuss the optimal control problem stated as the minimization in the $L^2$-sense of the mismatch between the actual out-flux and a demand forecast for a hyperbolic conservation law that models a highly re-entrant production system. The output of the factory is described as a function of the work in progress and the position of the so-called push-pull point (PPP) where we separate the beginning of the factory employing a push policy from the end of the factory, which uses a pull policy.
We discuss a regularization of state-constrained optimal control problem via a Henig relaxation of ordering cones. Considering a state-constrained optimal control problem, the pointwise state constraint is replaced by an inequality condition involving a so-called Henig dilating cone. It is shown that this class of cones provides a reasonable solid approximation of the typically nonsolid ordering cones which correspond to pointwise state constraints. Thereby, constraint qualifications which are based on the existence of interior points can be applied to given problems. Moreover, we characterize admissibility and solvability of the original problem by analyzing the associated relaxed problem. We also show that the optimality system for the original problem can be obtained through the limit passage in the corresponding optimality system for the relaxed problem. As an example of our approach, we derive the optimality conditions for a state constrained Neumann boundary optimal control problem and show that in this case the corresponding Lagrange multipliers are more regular than Borel measures.
We discuss the existence of weak solutions to one class of Dirichlet boundary value problems (BVP) for non-linear elliptic equation. Because of the specific of nonlinearity, we cannot a priori expect to have a solution in the standard functional space. Instead of this we show that the original BVP admits the so-called approximate weak solutions. To do so, we introduce a special family of perturbed optimal control problems (OCPs). The main question we discuss in this paper is about solvability of perturbed OCPs, uniqueness of their solutions, and asymptotic properties of optimal pairs as the perturbation parameter tends to zero. As a result, we derive the suffcient conditions of the existence of weak solutions to the given class of nonlinear Dirichlet BVP and give a practical way for the approximation of such solutions.
In this paper we study an optimal control problem for the mixed boundary value problem for an elastic body with quasistatic evolution of an internal damage variable. We suppose that the evolution of microscopic cracks and cavities responsible for the damage is described by a nonlinear parabolic equation. A density of surface traction p acting on a part of boundary of an elastic body S it taken as a boundary control. Since the initial-boundary value problem of this type can exhibit the Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions, we deal with the solvability of this problem in the class of weak variational solutions. Using the convergence concept in variable spaces and following the direct method in Calculus of Variations, we prove the existence of solutions to the optimal control problem under rather general assumptions on the quasistatic evolution of damage.
In this article we study an optimal control problem for a nonlinear monotone Dirichlet problem where the controls are taken as matrix-valued coefficients in $L^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^{N\times N} )$. For the exemplary case of a tracking cost functional, we derive first order optimality conditions. This first part is concerned with the general case of matrix-valued coefficients under some hypothesis, while the second part focuses on the special class of diagonal matrices.
We discuss a short-time existence theorem of solutions to the initial value problem for a fourth-order dispersive flow for curves parametrized by the real line into a compact Kähler manifold. Our equations geometrically generalize a physical model describing the motion of a vortex filament or the continuum limit of the Heisenberg spin chain system. Our results are proved by using so-called the energy method. We introduce a bounded gauge transform on the pullback bundle, and make use of local smoothing effect of the dispersive flow a little.
In this paper we study an optimal control problem (OCP) associated to a linear elliptic equation { on a bounded domain $\Omega$}. The matrix-valued coefficients $A$ of such systems is our control { in $\Omega$ and will be taken in} $L^2(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^{N\times N})$ { which in particular may comprises the case of unboundedness}.{ Concerning the boundary value problems associated to }the equations of this type, one may exhibit non-uniqueness of weak solutions— namely, approximable solutions as well as another type of weak solutions that can not be obtained through the $L^\infty$-approximation of matrix $A$. Following the direct method in the calculus of variations, we show that the given OCP is well-possed and admits at least one solution. At the same time, optimal solutions to such problem may have a singular character in the above sense. In view of this we indicate two types of optimal solutions to the above problem: the so-called variational and non-variational solutions, and show that some of that optimal solutions can be attainable by solutions of special optimal boundary control problems.
We study a Dirichlet optimal control problem for a quasilinear monotone $p$-Laplace equation with control and state constraints. The coefficient of the $p$-Lapla\-cian, the weight $u$, we take as a control in $L^1(\Omega)$. We discuss a relaxation of such problem following the so-called Henig regularization scheme.
We study a Dirichlet optimal control problem for biharmonic equation with control and state constraints. The coefficient of the biharmonic operator, the weight $u$, we take as a control in $L^1(\Omega)$. We discuss the relaxation approach and show that some optimal solutions to the original problem can be attained in the limit by optimal solutions of some extremal problem for variational inequality with a special penalized cost functional.
We discuss the existence of weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for one class of hyperbolic conservation laws that models a highly re-entrant production system. The output of the factory is described as a function of the work in progress and the position of the so-called push-pull point (PPP) where we separate the beginning of the factory employing a push policy from the end of the factory, which uses a pull policy. The main question we discuss in this paper is about the optimal choice of the input in-flux, push and pull constituents, and the position of PPP.
In this paper we study a Dirichlet optimal control problem associated with a linear elliptic equation the coefficients of which we take as controls in the class of integrable functions. The characteristic feature of this control object is the fact that the skew-symmetric part of matrix-valued control $A(x)$ belongs to $L^2$-space (rather than $L^\infty$). In spite of the fact that the equations of this type can exhibit non-uniqueness of weak solutions, the corresponding OCP, under rather general assumptions on the class of admissible controls, is well-posed and admits a nonempty set of solutions. However, the optimal solutions to such problem may have a singular character. We show that some of optimal solutions can be attainable by solutions of special optimal control problems in perforated domains with fictitious boundary controls on the holes. In order to illustrate the difficulties on the approximations of the OCPs due to the possible existence of variational and non-variational solutions, we present some numerical simulations.
This paper deals with a new characterization of lower semicontinuity of vector-value mappings in normed spaces. We study the link between the lower semicontinuity property of vector-value mappings and the topological properties of their epigraphs and coepigraphs, respectively. We show that if the objective space is partially ordered by a pointed cone with a nonempty interior, then coepigraphs are stable with respect to the procedure of their closure and, moreover, the locally semicompact vector-valued mappings with closed coepigraphs are lower semicontinuous. Using these results we propose some regularization schemes for vector-valued functions. In the case when there are no assumptions on the topological interior of the ordering cone, we introduce a new concept of lower semicontinuity for vector-value mappings, the so-called epi-lower semicontinuity, which is closely related with the closedness of epigraphs of such mappings, and study their main properties. All principal notions and assertions are illustrated by numerous examples.
We study vector optimization problems in partially ordered Banach spaces. We suppose that the objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. We discuss the "classical" scalarization of vector optimization problems in the form of weighted sum and also we propose another type of scalarization for such problems, the so-called adaptive scalarization, which inherits some ideas of Pascoletti–Serafini approach. As a result, we show that the scalar nonlinear optimization problems can be by-turn approximated by the quadratic minimization problems. Such regularization is especially attractive from a numerical point of view because it gives the possibility to apply rather simple computational methods for the approximation of the entire set of efficient solutions.
We study an optimal control problem (OCP) associated to a linear elliptic equation $-\mathrm{div}\,\left(A(x)\nabla y+C(x)\nabla y\right)=f$. The characteristic feature of this control object is the fact that the matrix $C(x)$ is skew-symmetric and belongs to $L^2$-space (rather than $L^\infty)$. We adopt a symmetric positive defined matrix $A(x)$ as control in $L^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^{N\times N})$. In spite of the fact that the equations of this type can exhibit non-uniqueness of weak solutions, we prove that the corresponding OCP, under rather general assumptions on the class of admissible controls, is well-posed and admits a nonempty set of solutions provided a special choice of skew-symmetric $L^2$-matrix $C$. The main trick we apply to the proof of the existence result is the approximation of the original OCP by regularized OCPs in perforated domains with fictitious boundary controls on the holes. As a consequence, we show that some of optimal solutions to the original problem can be attainable by solutions of regularized OCPs.
We study an optimal boundary control problem (OCP) associated to the linear parabolic equation $y_t-\mathrm{div}\,\left(\nabla y+A(x)\nabla y\right)=f$. The characteristic feature of this equation is the fact that the matrix $A(x)=[a_{ij}(x)]_{i,j=1,\dots,N}$ is skew-symmetric, $a_{ij}(x)–a_{ji}(x)$, locally continous, and belongs to $L^2$-space (rather than $L^\infty)$. We show that under special choice of matrix $A$ and distribution $f$ a unique solution to the original OCP inherits a singular character of the original matrix $A$ and it can not be attainable by the solutions of the similar OCPs with $L^\infty$-approximations of matrix $A$.
We study an optimal boundary control problem (OCP) associated to a linear elliptic equation $-\mathrm{div}\,\left(\nabla y+A(x)\nabla y\right)=f$. The characteristic feature of this equation is the fact that the matrix $A(x)=[a_{ij}(x)]_{i,j=1,\dots,N}$ is skew-symmetric, $a_{ij}(x)–a_{ji}(x)$, measurable, and belongs to $L^2$-space (rather than $L^\infty)$. In spite of the fact that the equations of this type can exhibit non-uniqueness of weak solutions — namely, they have approximable solutions as well as another type of weak solutions that can not be obtained through an approximation of matrix $A$, the corresponding OCP is well-possed and admits a unique solution. At the same time, an optimal solution to such problem can inherit a singular character of the original matrix $A$. We indicate two types of optimal solutions to the above problem: the so-called variational and non-variational solutions, and show that each of that optimal solutions can be attainable by solutions of special optimal boundary control problems.
We study an optimal control problem for the mixed boundary value problem for an elastic body with quasistatic evolution of an internal damage variable. We use the damage field $\zeta=\zeta(t,x)$ as an internal variable which measures the fractional decrease in the stress-strain response. When $\zeta=1$ the material is damage-free, when $\zeta=0$ the material is completely damaged, and for $0<\zeta<1$ it is partially damaged. We suppose that the evolution of microscopic cracks and cavities responsible for the damage is described by a nonlinear parabolic equation, whereas the model for the stress in elastic body is given as $\vec\sigma=\zeta(t,x) A\ee(\mathbf{u})$. The optimal control problem we consider in this paper is to minimize the appearance of micro-cracks and micro-cavities as a result of the tensile or compressive stresses in the elastic body.
We discuss the optimal control problem (OCP) stated as the minimization of the queues and the difference between the effective outflow and a desired one for the continuous model of supply chains, consisting of a PDE for the density of processed parts and an ODE for the queue buffer occupancy. The main goal is to consider this problem with pointwise control and state constraints. Using the so-called Henig delation, we propose the relaxation approach to characterize the solvability and regularity of the original problem by analyzing the corresponding relaxed OCP.
In this paper we consider an optimal control problem (OCP) for the coup\-led system of a nonlinear monotone Dirichlet problem with matrix-valued $L^\infty(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^{N\times N} )$-controls in coefficients and a nonlinear equation of Hammerstein type, where solution nonlinearly depends on $L^\infty$-control. Since problems of this type have no solutions in general, we make a special assumption on the coefficients of the state equations and introduce the class of so-called solenoidal admissible controls. Using the direct method in calculus of variations, we prove the existence of an optimal control. We also study the stability of the optimal control problem with respect to the domain perturbation. In particular, we derive the sufficient conditions of the Mosco-stability for the given class of OCPs.
We consider an optimal control problem associated to Dirichlet boundary value problem for linear elliptic equations on a bounded domain $\Omega$. We take the matrix-valued coefficients $A(x)$ of such system as a control in $L^1(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^{N}\times \mathbb{R}^{N})$. One of the important features of the admissible controls is the fact that the coefficient matrices $A(x)$ are non-symmetric, unbounded on $\Omega$, and eigenvalues of the symmetric part $A^{sym}=(A+A^t)/2$ may vanish in $\Omega$.
One class of optimal control problems for degenerate parabolic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and a priori feedback law are considered. It is shown that such problems have an optimal solution in the corresponding weighted Sobolev space provided the operators of feedback laws possess special compactness properties.
The necessary optimality conditions to an optimal control problem for parabolic system with unbounded coefficients were developed using the concepts of the generalized right hand directional derivative and quasi-adjoint state.
In this paper we study an optimal control problem associated to a linear degenerate elliptic equation with mixed boundary conditions. We adopt the square symmetric matrix of coefficients A(x)=[aij(x)]i,j=1,...,N as a control in L1(S;RN(N-1)/2). The characteristic feature of the class of admissible controls is the fact that eigenvalues of the coefficient matrices may vanish in S. The equations of this type can exhibit the Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions. Using the convergence concept in variable spaces and following the direct method in the Calculus of variations, we discuss the solvability of this optimal control problem in the class of weak admissible solutions.
We study one class of nonlinear fluid dynamic models with controls in the initial condition and the source term. The model is described by a nonlinear inhomogeneous hyperbolic conservation law with state and control constraints. We consider the case when the greatest lower bound of the cost functional can be unattainable on the set $\Xi$ of admissible pairs or the set $\Xi$ is possibly empty. Using the methods of vector-valued optimization theory, we show that this optimal control problem admits the existence of the so-called weakened approximate solution which can be interpreted as generalized solution to some vector optimization problem of special form.
Досліджується задача оптимального керування для виродженого параболічного рівняння зі змішаними крайовими умовами на межі області. Із залученням нерівності типу Харді-Пуанкаре показано, що така задача має єдиний оптимальний розв'язок у вагових просторах Соболєва. Отримано та обґрунтовано необхідні умови оптимальності.
Досліджено задачу оптимального керування параболічною системою з необмеженими коефіцієнтами. Введено поняття варіаційного розв'язку поставленої задачі керування та встановлено умови його існування.
We study the bilinear forms on the space of measurable square-integrable functions which are generated by skew-symmetric matrices with unbounded coefficients. We show that in the case when a skew-symmetric matrix contains L^2-elements, the corresponding quadratic forms can be alternative. Since these questions are closely related with the existence of a unique solution for linear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficients, we show that the energy identities for weak solutions can be studied in the framework of the corresponding alternative quadratic forms. To this end, we discuss the problems of integration by parts for measurable functions and give a generalization of some formulae for the non-Lipschitz case.
In this paper we study an optimal control problem (OCP) associated to a linear elliptic equation { on a bounded domain \Omega}. The matrix-valued coefficients A of such systems is our control { in \Omega and will be taken in} L^2(Omega;{R}^{N\times N}) { which in particular may comprise some cases of unboundedness}.{ Concerning the boundary value problems associated to }the equations of this type, one may face non-uniqueness of weak solutions— namely, approximable solutions as well as another type of weak solutions that can not be obtained through the L^\infty-approximation of matrix A. Following the direct method in the calculus of variations, we show that the given OCP is well-posed in the sense that it admits at least one solution. At the same time, optimal solutions to such problem may have a singular character in the above sense. In view of this, we indicate two types of optimal solutions to the above problem: the so-called variational and non-variational solutions, and show that some of that optimal solutions can be attainable by solutions of special optimal boundary control problems.
In this paper we study a Dirichlet optimal control problem associated with a linear elliptic equation the coefficients of which we take as controls in L1(S). In particular, when the coefficient matrix is taken to satisfy the decomposition B(x)=r(x)A(x) with a scalar function r, we allow the r to degenerate. Such problems are related to various applications in mechanics, conductivity and to an approach in topology optimization, the SIMP-method. Since equations of this type can exhibit the Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions, we show that the optimal control problem in the coefficients can be stated in different forms depending on the choice of the class of admissible solutions. Using the direct method in the Calculus of variations, we discuss the solvability of the above optimal control problems in the so-called class of H-admissible solutions.
We study the compactness property of the weak convergence in variable Sobolev spaces of the following sequences $\left\{(A_n,u_n)\in L^1(\Omega;\mathbb{R}^{N\times N})\times W_{A_n}(\Omega;\Gamma_D)\right\}$, where the squared symmetric matrices $A:\Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{N\times N}$ belong to the Lebesgue space $L^1(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^{N\times N})$ and their eigenvalues may vanish on subdomains of $\Omega$ with zero Lebesgue measure.
Досліджується задача оптимального керування для виродженого параболічного рівняння зі змішаними крайовими умовами на межі області. Із залученням нерівності типу Харді – Пуанкаре показано, що така задача має єдиний оптимальний розв'язок у вагових просторах Соболєва. Отримано та обґрунтовано необхідні умови оптимальності.
An optimal boundary control problem associated to a linear elliptic equation describing diffusion in a turbulent flow is studied. The characteristic feature of this equation is the fact that, in applications, the stream matrix $A(x)=[a_{ij}(x)]_{i,j=1,\dots,N}$ is skew-symmetric, $a_{ij}(x)–a_{ji}(x)$, measurable, and belongs to $L^2$-space (rather than $L^\infty)$. An optimal solution to such problem can inherit a singular character of the original stream matrix $A$. We show that optimal solutions can be attainable by solutions of special optimal boundary control problems.
Розглядається проблема скаляризації для одного класу задач векторної оптимізації в частково впорядкованих банахових просторах. Припускається, що цільове відображення має ослаблену властивість напівнеперервності знизу та упорядковувальний конус не є тілесним. Запропоновано метод скаляризації, який успадковує ідеї підходу Пасколетті – Серафіні. Показано, що в цьому випадку скалярні задачі оптимізації можна апроксимувати квадратичними задачами мінімізації.
We present a new concept of lower semicontinuity for vector-valued mappings, so-called lower epi-semicontinuity, which is closely related with the closedness of epigraphs of these mappings. We consider the case when the mappings take values in a real Banach space Y partially ordered by a closed convex pointed cone L, and we make no additional assumptions on topological interior of the ordering cone. We also study the comparison of the lower epi-semicontinuity with the classical notion of lower semicontinuity and its generalizetions.
In this paper we study an optimal control problem associated to a linear degenerate elliptic equation with mixed boundary conditions. The equations of this type can exhibit the Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions. We adopt the weight function as a control in L1(S). Using the direct method in the Calculus of variations, we discuss the solvability of this optimal control problem in the class of weak admissible solutions.
The paper deals with a new concept of limit for sequences of locally compact vector-valued mappings in normed spaces. We generalize the well-know concept of $\Gamma$-convergence to the so-called $\Gamma^{\Lambda,\mu}$-convergence in vector-valued case. To this aim we study the link between the lower semicontinuity property of vector-valued mappings and the topological properties of their coepigraphs. We show that if the objective space is partially ordered by a pointed cone with nonempty interior, then coepigraphs are stable with respect to their closure and, moreover, the locally semicompact vector-valued mappings with closed coepigraphs are lower continuous. Using these results we establish the relationship between $\Gamma^{\Lambda,\mu}$-convergence of the sequences of mappings and $K$-convergence of their coepigraphs in the sense of Kuratowski and study the main topological properties of $\Gamma^{\Lambda,\mu}$-limits.
In this paper we study a Dirichlet optimal control problem associated with a linear elliptic equation the coefficients of which we take as controls in L1(S). The coefficients may degenerate and, therefore, the problems may exhibit the so-called Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions. We consider the solvability of this problem in the class of W-variational solutions. Using the concept of variational convergence of constrained minimization problems in variable spaces, we prove the existence of W-solutions to the optimal control problem and provide way for their approximation. We emphasize that control problems of this type are important in material- and topology optimization as well as in damage or life-cycle optimization.
The stability of linear Volterra integral equations are discussed from the Lyapunov Direct Method point of view.
The characteristic feature of these equations is the fact that their solutions are not continuous functions. We consider the case when the solution class is the Bochner space Lploc(0,∞;X) of locally p-integrable functions.
The classification of the weak solutions to the Dirichlet initial boundary value problem associated for a linear degenerate parabolic equation has been studied. Some applications to associated optimal control problems in coefficients are discussed.
In this paper, we study vector optimization problems in Banach spaces for essentially nonlinear operator equations with additional control and state constraints. We assume that an objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. Using the penalization approach we derive both sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of efficient solutions of the above problems. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient solutions via the scalarization of some penalized vector optimization problem.
In this paper, we study vector optimization problems in partially ordered Banach spaces. We suppose that the objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. We derive sufficient conditions for existence of efficient solutions of the above problems and discuss the role of topological properties of the objective space. We discuss the scalarization of vector optimization problems when the objective functions are vector-valued mappings with a weakened property of lower semicontinuity. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient solutions via the scalarization process. All principal notions and assertions are illustrated by numerous examples.
In this paper we study the Dirichlet optimal control problem associated with a linear parabolic equation the coefficients of which we take as controls in L1(S). Since equations of this type can exhibit the Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions, we show that the optimal control problem in the coefficients can be stated in different forms depending on the choice of the class of admissible solutions. Using the direct method in the Calculus of variations, we discuss the solvability of the above optimal control problems in the so-called class of H-admissible solutions.
We study one class of fluid dynamic models in vector-valued optimization statement. The model consists of a system of two hyperbolic conservation laws with a source term: a non-linear conservation law for the goods density and an evolution equation for the processing rate. We consider the case when an objective space is the Banach space Lploc(RN) partially ordered by the natural ordering cone of positive elements. We derive sufficient conditions for the existence of efficient controls. In the case when the original control problem is not regular and may fail to have the entropy solutions, we discuss the regularization approach and prove the existence of the so-called efficient regularizators to the original vector-valued optimization problem.
В роботі розглядається зв'язок властивості напівнеперервності знизу векторнозначних відображень та їх конадграфіків. За допомогою конадграфіків запропоновано механізм знаходження напівнеперервної знизу регуляризації відображень. Отримано варіаційне подання такої регуляризації.
In this paper we study the approximation properties of measurable and square-integrable functions. In particular we show that any L2-bounded functions can be approximated in L2-norm by smooth functions defined on a highly oscillating boundary of thick multi-structures in Rn. We derive the norm estimates for the approximating functions and study their asymptotic behavior.
У даній роботі розглядається гідродинамічна модель для транспортного потоку на мережі. У припущенні, що такий потік є керованим процесом, ставиться задача його оптимізації у векторній формі. Розглянуто випадок, коли цільове відображення діє в лебегів простір та є напівнеперервним зверху на області визначення. Залучаючи ідеологію регуляризації за Тихоновим, введено поняття узагальненого розв'язку задачі векторної оптимізації на мережі. Використовуючи той факт, що множина ефективних розв'язків такої задачі є непорожньою та залучаючи процедуру скаляризації, доведено існування узагальнених розв'язків розглянутої задачі векторної оптимізації.
We study traffic flow models for road networks in vector-valued optimization statement where the flow is controlled at the nodes of the network. We consider the case when an objective mapping possesses a weakened property of upper semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. We derive sufficient conditions for the existence of efficient controls of the traffic problem and discuss the scalarization approach to its solution. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient controls.
In this paper, we present a new characterization of lower semicontinuity of vector-valued mappings and apply it to the solvability of vector optimization problems in Banach spaces. With this aim we introduce a class of vector-valued mappings that is more wider than the class of vector-valued mappings with the "typical" properties of lower semi-continuity including quasi and order lower semi-continuity. We show that in this case the corresponding vector optimization problems have non-empty sets of efficient solutions.
We study one class of nonlinear fluid dynamic models with impulse source terms. The model consists of a system of two hyperbolic conservation laws: a nonlinear conservation law for the goods density and a linear evolution equation for the processing rate. We consider the case when influx-rates in the second equation take the form of impulse functions. Using the vanishing viscosity method and the so-called principle of fictitious controls, we show that entropy solutions to the original Cauchy problem can be approximated by optimal solutions of special optimization problems.
In this paper we study vector optimization problems in partially ordered Banach spaces. We suppose that the objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. We derive sufficient conditions for existence of efficient solutions of the above problems and discuss the role of topological properties of the objective space. We discuss the scalarization of vector optimization problems when the objective functions are vector-valued mappings with a weakened property of lower semicontinuity. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient solutions via the scalarization process. All principal notions and assertions are illustrated by numerous examples.
We study an optimal boundary control problem for the B´enard system in a cylindrically perforated domain. The control is the boundary velocity field supported on the “vertical” sides of thin cylinders. We show that an optimal solution to some limit problem in a nonperfo- rated domain can be used as a basis for the construction of the so-called asymptotically suboptimal controls for the original control problem.
In this paper we study the optimal control problem associated to a linear degenerate elliptic equation with mixed boundary conditions. We adopt a weight coefficient in the main part of elliptic operator as control in BV(S). Since the equations of this type can exhibit the Lavrentieff phenomenon and non-uniqueness of weak solutions, we show that this optimal control problem is regular. Using the direct method in the Calculus of variations, we discuss the solvability of the above optimal control problems in the class of weak admissible solutions.
We are concerned with the asymptotic analysis of optimal control problems for 1-D partial differential equations defined on a periodic planar graph, as the period of the graph tends to zero. We focus on optimal control problems for elliptic equations with distributed and boundary controls. Using approaches of the theory of homogenization we show that the original problem on the periodic graph tends to a standard linear quadratic optimal control problem for a two-dimensional homogenized system, and its solution can be used as suboptimal controls for the original problem.
In this paper we study an optimal boundary control problem for the 3D steady-state Navier-Stokes equation in a cylindrically perforated domain. The control is the boundary velocity field supported on the 'vertical' sides of thin cylinders. We minimize the vorticity of viscous flow through thick perforated domain. We show that an optimal solution to some limit problem in a non-perforated domain can be used as basis for the construction of suboptimal controls for the original control problem. It is worth noticing that the limit problem may take the form of either a variational calculation problem or an optimal control problem for Brinkman's law with another cost functional, depending on the cross-size of thin cylinders.
Для cистемы Бенара рассматривается задача оптимального граничного управления течением вязкой несжимаемой жидкости в обобщенной ячейке Куэтта. Предложена концепция асимптотически субоптимальных управлений в такой задаче и установлена иx структура, когда перфорация цилиндрической области соответствует критическому случаю.
Запропоновано спосіб квазі-напівнеперервної знизу регуляризації відображень у банахових просторах.
In this paper we study the H-convergence property for the uniformly bounded sequences of square matrices Ae in Linfty(D;Rn x n). We derive the sufficient conditions which guarantee the coincidence of H-limit with the weak-* limit of such sequences in Linfty(D;Rn x n).
In this paper we study the asymptotic behaviour of a parabolic optimal control problem in a subdomain D e of Rn, whose boundary contains a highly oscillating part. We consider this problem with two different classes of Dirichlet boundary controls, and, as a result, we provide its asymptotic analysis with respect to the different topologies of homogenization. It is shown that the mathematical descriptions of the homogenized optimal control problems have different forms and these differences appear not only in the state equation and boundary conditions but also in the control constrains and the limit cost functional.
In this paper we study the asymptotic behaviour, as a small parameter e tends to zero, of a class of boundary optimal control problems Pe, set in e-periodically perforated domain. The holes have a critical size with respect to e-sized mesh of periodicity. The support of controls is contained in the set of boundaries of the holes. This set is divided into two parts, on one part the controls are of Dirichlet type; on the other one the controls are of Neumann type. We show that the optimal controls of the homogenized problem can be used as suboptimal ones for the problems Pe.
We consider an elliptic distributed quadratic optimal control problem with exact controllability constraints on a part of the domain which, in turn, is parametrized by a small parameter epsilon. The quadratic tracking type functional is defined on the remaining part of the domain. We thus consider a family of optimal control problems with state equality constraints. The purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotic limit of the optimal control problems as the parameter epsilon tends to zero. The analysis presented is in the spirit of the direct approach of the calculus of variations. This is achieved in the framework of relaxed problems. We finally apply the procedure to an optimal control problem on a perforated domain with holes of critical size. It is shown that a strange term in the terminology of Cioranescu and Murat appears in the limiting homogenized problem.
The main focus of this work is the one class of vector optimization problems with mapping that is not necessarily lower semicontinuous. The sufficient conditions of existence efficient solutions of such problems are given. We show that certain part of set of efficient solutions can be achieved by using the scalarization technique. All main theoretical notions are supported by illustrative examples.
We study the density property of the compactly supported smooth functions in the space L∞(Ω). We show that this set is dense with respect to the weak-ast convergence in variable spaces.
Запропоновано спосіб регулярізації одного класу задач нескалярної оптимізації в банахових просторах для випадку, коли векторнозначне відображення не є напівнеперервним знизу у певному сенсі, в наслідок чого, порушуються достатні умови їх розв’язності.
The asymptotic behaviour of state constrained semilinear optimal control problems for distributed parameter systems with variable compact control zones is investigated. We derive conditions under which the limiting problems can be made explicit.
We are concerned with the asymptotic analysis of optimal control problems for 1-D partial differential equations defined on a periodic planar graph, as the period of the graph tends to zero. We focus on optimal control problems for elliptic equations with distributed and boundary controls. Using approaches of the theory of homogenization we show that the original problem on the periodic graph tends to a standard linear quadratic optimal control problem for a two-dimensional homogenized system, and its solution can be used as suboptimal controls for the original problem.
In this paper we study the limit properties of one class of periodic functions, as a small parameter tends to zero, defined on $\e$-periodically perforated domain. The holes have a critical size with respect to the sized mesh of periodicity. For this type of functions we derive the so-called homothetic mean-value property.
The properties of optimal control problems have been considered for elliptic systems, where a factor in rapidly varying coefficients appears as a function of control. The theorem of existence of optimal control has been proved for such problems. The necessary conditions for optimality and structure the homogenized of optimal control problem have been obtained.
The stability problem of the infinite system of integral equations of Volterra type is considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions of exponential stability with respect to state for such systems are obtained. An extended version of the Lyapunov stability theory for such equations is presented. The proposed approach is based on the state space conception and notions of the Lyapunov second method. The conclusion is made that the obtained results may be applied to processes dynamics of which is described by the Volterra integral equations.